Monday, January 10, 2011

But it Sure is Pretty!

On a day like today when the snow begins falling around here, those are inevitably the first words out of my mouth.  Yes, it's a pain to get around in.  Yes, it makes feeding animals, getting firewood, and going anywhere a bit more challenging (and sometimes that's an understatement!)  Yes, it's cold and wet and generally miserable outside.  But wow, just bear with me as I repeat myself for the hundredth time since becoming a country sure is pretty!

I can almost audibly hear this picture still, treasure the beauty of this moment and don't worry about tomorrow.  Yes, tomorrow may mean we can't make it all the way up our driveway in the van.  It most likely will mean that our noses, fingers and toes will be extra cold and red when we have to feed and water the calves.  Without a doubt it will mean the children will bundle up in layers, go outside for awhile, then come in and leave wet, muddy puddles and damp clothing everywhere.

But for now - it sure is pretty.  
"When snow falls, nature listens."  ~Antoinette van Kleeff

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